Thursday, May 18, 2017


I'm not a public speaker. But I've been doing a lot of that lately. I've done a total of 6 interviews since your passing, not too mention given 2 speeches, one at your funeral. I heard someone say that I liked the attention. Who likes attention from losing someone they are so close to? No one. I'd like to walk around and think that people have no idea who I am or what I've been through, but doing that, could mean I let your killer go free. I know, that that is not an option. So instead, I speak, to anyone, and everyone, that will listen.
I also have to keep your memory alive. Your gentleness, kindness, compassion. I have to keep those things that made you so great, and share them with the world. I have to share that you didn't deserve this. That you aren't just another drug dealer or gangster, but a genuinely good guy whose life was taken way too soon. This was senseless. The world needs to know that it's raising people who do these horrible acts. The world needs to know that horrible people are out there and someone needs to speak up and put a stop to their horrifying actions. Someone, maybe your neighbors, maybe me, but it all starts somewhere.
Someone said that maybe this horrible thing happened because I was meant to help others who are going through it too. If that's the case, I don't want it. I just want you. I'm not strong enough to help others right now. I'm not even strong enough to help myself. I know you deserve justice, you deserve answers. Everything else? I just don't know.
Your own words are on my arm, in your hand writing. Who would have thought that card you gave me for my 18th birthday would end up being one of the most amazing things you've ever given me. I actually sent you a picture of that card a few months back telling you I still had it. You were impressed I had kept it all these years. But even back then, Kobi, you were so incredibly important to me. You always have been, and you always will be.

Love you more than you know, too


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