Monday, January 22, 2018

To The Person Who Killed You


This is to the person who killed you:

You probably think that my brother is just another name on your list, another collection to add to the bodies you've dropped. In fact, you may not even think of him as a person at all, but more of a way you just try to make money. But I also bet, you had no idea that the person you left for dead, would end up on the news, repeatedly. That you would be a wanted, hunted suspect. You had no idea that Kobi was so important to us, that we would do everything we could to make his story go nation wide, and we did. It didn't turn out quite like you planned did it?

Those hands of his held the hands of his nieces to help keep them safe. They turned the pages of books they would bring him repeatedly and he would never turn down. They played peek-a-boo, and initiated tickled fights more times than I can count. They held the hand of his little sister while we buried our father.

The arms you put several bullets into held his baby nieces countless times, while he sat studying their faces. They hugged his Mom, and the rest of his family.

His mouth held a smile that could light up a room. It formed words that could comfort me through the worst of times. It always let me know that everything would be alright. It talked with me for hours on the phone, in person, and to talk to his nieces who adored him.

The legs you wounded, they carried him around the track to perform in a sport he loved. They allowed him to crawl through tunnels, skate and dance with his nieces at their birthday parties.

You didn't just leave a body out there. You left a person. A person who was loved so immensely that the hole you left in our lives can never be filled. You've broken the heart of his mother, sister, brother-in-law, nieces and everyone else who truly loved him. You can not take back the damage that you have caused, and I'll never be able to heal it. If they ever find you, I can assure you of one thing, your life will forever be destroyed. You will never sleep soundly. You will be haunted. Your dreams will be so awful that you aren't even safe there. You will live in a hell much like the one you have sentenced me to. I'll be at every hearing, every chance you might have to get free.

You killed my brother, my best friend and you took away my girls' chance of having such an amazing, loving and caring uncle in their lives. You forever changed their future, not just their now. If you ever had a hope of me being the type of person who writes some big long speech about how I forgive you for the awful thing you did, you were mistaken. I don't forgive you. I will never, ever, forgive you. I wish you nothing but misery, and frankly, I don't care if I'm a lesser person for it. I would much prefer you were tortured, and set on fire, and you will have earned and deserved, every single moment.

From the incredibly angry sister of Kobi Walden


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