Sunday, August 20, 2017

Seeing You


I can't walk into a room in this house without seeing you in it.

You are your coffee mugs hanging on the wall in my kitchen.

You are the memorial candle and blanket, pictures and Rebels awards in my living room.

You are the picture beside my bed, the DS in my drawer, and your shirts in my closet.

You are the pictures of the girls on the play room wall, the pictures that once hung in your house.

You are the Scentsy warmer on my desk, that was suppose to be yours.

You are the books on my book shelf that we use to spend hours talking about.

You are the empty chair at our dining room table.

You are the cat sleeping on my lap, the cat that use to be yours.

You are the tears your nieces cry for you, and also their smiles when they think about the memories with you.

You are the bracelet on my wrist, and your words forever inked on my arm.

You are the love in this house.

You are my heart, always and forever.

I love you so very much. I'm grateful to have you everywhere, even when it hurts.

Miss you


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